We are committed to turning your ambitious projects into reality. Our project financing solutions are designed to empower your visions and drive success.

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- Amount: - Minimum Kshs 10Million to Maximum Kshs 2Billion
- Interest: - 9.6% p.a.
- Repayment: - Up to 10 years
- Funding: - Up to 90-100% of the project value
- Disbursements: - Friendly funding disbursement schedules

Project financing is a specialized form of financing that is used to fund large-scale projects,typically in sectors such as infrastructure, energy, and natural resources. Larseng Group – financing is well known for our project finance expertise in this sector across sub-Saharan Africa.We understand the importance of robust financial structures to propel our projects to success.

At Larseng Group- Financing our project financing is designed to support initiatives that align with our strategic goals. Whether it’s groundbreaking research, infrastructure development, or cutting-edge technology projects, we focus on a diverse range of industries, ensuring a positive impact on the markets and communities we serve. We are known for our project finance expertise across energy, resources, utilities and
infrastructure across sub-Saharan Africa. A key factor in our success is our ability to build and integrate teams with expertise in structured debt finance, equity finance, construction, operations, real estate, throughput supply contracts, tax and regulated markets. Our project finance lawyers have extensive experience in structured finance based on limited
recourse or limited recourse features, including bilateral and multilateral credit arrangements and multi-source financing, including export credit guarantees and loans. Whether we act independently as lead counsel for a lender or project sponsor, or as local counsel or co-counsel in collaboration with an international lawyer in the role of lead lender or project advisor, our firm can provide comprehensive legal expertise to meet the needs of our clients’ requirements. We have played a leading role in many of sub-Saharan Africa’s most important and high-profile projects, even as the rollout of infrastructure development across the region continues to lag. Our local presence, coupled with our project finance expertise and integrated service approach, makes us particularly suited to clients who share our vision for sustainable prosperity in Africa.

Financial planning

What we assess

When financing a project, whether it's a business venture, infrastructure development, or any other initiative, it's essential for us to conduct a thorough assessment to ensure financial viability and successful implementation. Assessing these factors systematically and thoroughly will contribute to informed decision-making, risk mitigation, and the overall success of the financed project. Collaborating with financial experts, legal advisors, and industry specialists enhances the quality of the assessment process. Successful project management involves collaboration among various departments, effective communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Additionally, monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure that projects align with strategic objectives and deliver the intended results.

Feasibility Study, Market Analysis & Risk Assessment

Budgeting, Financial Projections & Return on Investment (ROI)

Capital Structure & Debt Service Coverage

Equity Financing, Debt Financing or Public Funding

Interest Rate Analysis & Amortization Schedule

Credit Analysis & Credit History

Legal and Regulatory Requirements & Permitting and

Collateral Requirements & Security Arrangements

Project Management Plan & Contingency

Environmental Assessment & Social

Cash Flow Analysis & Working Capital)

Exit Plan

Due diligence process to verify all project-related information and

Contract Review & Legal Counsel

Performance Metrics: -KPIs & Regular Reporting

Technology Integration & Innovation Potential

Stakeholder Communication & Community Impact

Risk Mitigation through Insurance